About PDTCE-Prayagdas Tomar Computer Education

Nitendra Tomar

 Director's Message

Welcome to Prayagdas Tomar Computer Education!

Since our inception in 2019, we have been dedicated to transforming the landscape of online computer education across India. Our mission is to provide high-quality digital education to every student, no matter where they are.

Our centers are equipped with the latest technology to ensure a seamless learning experience. We believe in the power of education to change lives, and we are committed to making our programs accessible to all. As we expand our reach through a growing network of franchises, we remain focused on maintaining our high standards and delivering exceptional value.

Join us on this exciting journey towards a digital future. Together, let's empower the next generation of tech-savvy individuals.

Warm regards,

Nitendra Tomar
Director, Prayagdas Tomar Computer Education

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