Yoga Course Subjects The course curriculum of Yoga contains various yogic postures and asanas. Also, the focus is laid on breathing techniques which play a vital role in mastering asanas. Aspirants willing to get an idea of what they would study if they opted for Yoga can have a look at the detailed course curriculum: Asanas Sun salutation Basic yoga postures Postural alignment Deep relaxation with autosuggestion Release of blocked energy Asana variations, from intermediate to advanced level Pranayama Expanding the capacity of lungs Awakening the inner spiritual energy Kapalabhati (lung cleansing exercise) Relaxing the nervous system Balancing the two hemispheres of the brain Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing) Purifying the nadis (subtle energy channels) The three bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana Ujjayi, Surya Bheda, Bhastrika, Sitali, Sitkari, Bhramari Samanu (mental cleansing of the nadis) Kriyas Tratak Nauli Kapalabhati Neti Dhauti Basti Yoga Anatomy and Physiology Introduction to the major body systems Yoga and physical culture The effects of asanas and pranayama on the cardiovascular system, respiration, digestion, skeletal and muscular systems, endocrine system The eight systems of the body Diet and nutrition Karma and Reincarnation The law of action and reaction The law of compensation The law of retribution Destiny and self-effort Teaching Practice How to teach the 12 basic postures and breathing exercises Relaxation Setting up a proper environment for class Beginners' Course Advanced Postures Yoga for Children Yoga for Older Citizens Yoga for Pregnancy